How To Easily Exercise While Working From Home


Surprisingly, I found it difficult fitting in exercise while working from home. 

But I quickly realised how important physical activity was not only for keeping fit but also for my mental health.  

If you are struggling to stay active and find the time to exercise keep reading. 

I’m going to share some of the tips that have helped me to exercise while working from home. 

My initial struggle with fitting in exercise while working from home 

Right at the beginning of my journey as a freelancer, I got myself a gym membership. 

I could probably count the number of times I actually went to the gym on one hand. 

Theoretically, I thought going to the gym would be simple. I had the flexibility to go in the morning, during my lunch break or the evening.

It didn’t quite work out that way as I always prioritised work. 

If you’re a freelancer who goes to the gym regularly – that’s great! Keep it up! I still try to go to the gym as often as possible. 

But for the days where I don’t make it to the gym here’s what I do at home. 

Get up and walk 

I don’t know if anyone else does this, but every so often I get up from my desk and walk around the downstairs of my house. 

Strangely I find it quite therapeutic as it gives me time away from my work to think and come up with new ideas. 

I literally walk around my living room, along the hallway, through the kitchen and conservatory and back again. If the weather is nice, I’ll extend this route into the garden to also get some fresh air. 

Doing this for around 10 minutes a time a few times throughout the day adds up. 

Pedal whilst you type 

You can have a go at multi-tasking by pedalling whilst you type. 

Do this by getting yourself a mini exercise bike and keeping it under your desk by your feet. 

Some mini exercise bikes are designed specifically to be used at your desk. 

I guess the most rewarding thing about using one of these desk peddlers is when you see the extra calories that you have been able to burn whilst sitting down. 

Implement the Pomodoro technique 

The Pomodoro technique is a time management method. 

It involves breaking down your work into intervals, setting a timer, and taking a break once the time you set is up. 

This technique is good if you have the tendency to work for several hours without stopping for a break.

During the breaks in between your work intervals, you can use that time to do some exercises and stretches. 

You could do some star jumps, jog on the spot or take a brisk walk for 5-10 minutes.

This will raise your heart rate and get your blood pumping before starting your next work interval.

Remember to stay hydrated throughout the day! Keeping a water bottle nearby at all times during the day will help you to increase your water intake. 

Do a mini-workout routine at home 

There are lots of easy to follow workout routines on YouTube that you could do at home on days where you are not able to make it to the gym.

If you find a fitness guru that you like and trust, subscribe to their channel and create a space at home to work out. 

Doing this regularly will help with staying fit whilst working from home. 

If you enjoy doing these mini workouts at home, you might want to consider getting yourself some fitness equipment to use at home such as mini weights, resistance bands or a skipping rope. 

You might want to consider performing your workouts outside of your working hours and in an area away from your home office workspace.

That way you can schedule it in as a part of your daily routine to improve your mental and physical health. 

If you would like to fit in the time to visit the gym more to exercise while working from home, schedule it in and stick to it.

I know that is easier said than done, especially if your days are quite unpredictable, but there are two things you can try that might help you.

Get a personal trainer 

excercise while working from home

Having a personal trainer can hold you accountable. 

If you schedule a training session with a personal trainer you’ll probably be less likely to cancel the session. This is because you’ll be paying extra for the service and because the trainer will be encouraging you to attend your sessions. 

Having a personal trainer will also help you to meet your fitness goals.

For example, you might want to tone up your abdominal muscles or improve your stamina. Your personal trainer will develop a training plan designed to help you to meet your goals.

Secondly, check to see if your gym does free lunchtime classes.

Joining a class with others might encourage you to go to the gym to meet up with others in your local community.  

Those are my tips for ensuring that you exercise while working from home. 

Whilst it may seem like the time it takes to fit in exercise takes away from the time you have to focus on working, there are several benefits of exercises. 

These benefits are both physical and mental. Exercising regularly can also help to boost your productivity.  

Try out some of these tips and work out what works for you. 

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