7 Tips For Creating A Home Office [Even If You’re Short On Space]


Wouldn’t it be great if you could inexpensively create a home office space to enhance your creativity and boost your productivity?

In this post, I’ll share 7 tips on creating a workspace at home, even if you’re short on space.

I’ll begin by sharing my story of how I created my first workspace at home!

But if you’re in a rush, no worries, use the table of contents below to skip to the bits most relevant to you!

My story

Deciding where to set up my home office.

I had just moved back home after finishing university. 

And I found myself getting into a habit of working on the sofa or in bed. 

It was great!

But I knew I wasn’t as productive as I could have been if I had a dedicated working space to get more done. 

The problem was, we didn’t have a spare room in the house or a garage to convert into an office. 

At first, I considered purchasing a small desk and compact desk like this to put in the conservatory, but I quickly realised it wouldn’t be practical because it gets boiling hot in there during the summer and freezing cold in the winter!

Anyways long story short, I set up a work area in the dining room. 

Yes – you read that correctly, I set up my office space in the dining room. At first, my mum was a bit sceptical, but I reassured her that I would set it up in a way that it would be quick and easy to convert it back into a dining area ready for family dinners.

How I went about creating a home office.

  • The dining table doubles up as a desk. If you decide to use your dining table as a desk, use a table cloth or a customised piece of glass to protect the table from everyday wear and tear.
  • I got an office chair in a colour that matched the decor of the room. It has wheels so it’s easy to move the chair into another area when using the space for dining. 
  • Then I purchased a Levono all in one pc. The good thing about having an all in one pc instead of a computer screen monitor and a separate tower is that it saves so much space!

    It is also easy to move when converting the space back into a dining area. 

    It just has one plug so it’s extremely easy to set up and pack away. 
  • A few months later during the winter, I also purchased a Lumie SAD lamp as I (had the winter blues and) didn’t have much natural light coming in. The Lumie light really helped to lift my mood and boost my concentration levels.
  • Got an extension lead to plug in the pc, laptop, lamp and to charge my phone simultaneously.

    I already had a HP all-in-one printer that I had purchased before going to university which I keep tucked away on a shelf until I need to use it. 

Those are the main components of my office space! I didn’t invest much in fancy office furniture and it didn’t take much time to set up. 

Right, enough about me, here are some tips to help you to set up your home office.

7 Tips For Creating A Home Office 

Start simple. 

Make it your first mission to create a home office that is functional. Focus on the bare minimum you need to get work done.

For example, when you first get started you probably won’t need file cabinets or expensive office equipment.

As you ‘grow’ into your office space, you’ll Identify the additional pieces of furniture or items that you’ll need to enhance your home office space.

Improve your internet speed. 

When working from home, wifi is your oxygen supply.

In order to boost your productivity, it is worth speaking to your internet provider and seeing if you can get a faster more efficient service. 

When creating a home office space, take into consideration your distance away from your router. If your space is far away from the router, look into getting a wifi booster

Use your work area for work only (if possible).

Once you’ve established your office area at home try to only use that space during your work hours.

Then you’ll naturally start to associate your workspace with getting lots of work done.

If you are creating a home office area in your living room, you may want to use other rooms in the house for relaxing and recreation.

Get the lighting right. 

Having good lighting makes a big difference, so take it into consideration when creating a home office. 

Ideally, your workspace will have a good amount of natural light coming in. If you don’t, consider getting task lighting such as a desk lamp or a floor lamp, to direct the light in specific directions. 

creating a home office

Keep track of your expenses. 

Make a note of how much you spend on your home office as you can include them in your tax deductions for your yearly self-assessment. 

If you are unsure, you can speak with an accountant about your eligibility for a home office tax deduction. 

Utilise your vertical space.

If you are short on space, and you need extra storage in your office, purchase some floating shelves. 

Floating shelves are inexpensive and easy to install. They make a great alternative to bookshelves and filing cabinets. If you are creating a home office in a multipurpose room, you can purchase shelving that matches the decor in the room.

Make it work for you when creating a home office. 

In my time as a freelancer, I quickly came to realise that there’s always a new hurdle to overcome and challenges to face. 

It has significantly improved my problem-solving skills.

Sometimes we’ve just got to think outside of the box to find the right solution.

When it comes to creating a home office, especially if you don’t have a spare room or are short on space you may need to think outside the box. Even if that means converting your closet or the space under your stairs into your workspace. 

A well-designed home office, with everything you need to work productively, can really help you to achieve more and establish a healthy working environment. 

Don’t forget to check out our other posts here at Resources for Freelancers!

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