Time Management For Freelancers [Essential Guide]

As a freelancer, the way that you manage your time will determine your success.

I can’t stress that enough.

Your time is the most valuable resource you have – and you have full control over how you spend it.

This guide is all about time management for freelancers. When it comes to managing your time:

There’s always room for improvement
Different techniques work for different people

Therefore, it’s wise to continually seek out new ways to refine your time management as a freelancer and to try new techniques to find what is right for you.

With that said, let’s discuss time management for freelancers!

1: Respect your time

We all know that time is the most precious resource that we have. However, if we actually acted like it was, we’d probably live our lives very differently.

I learnt the hard way when it came to respecting my time.

Put simply:

If you don’t respect your time, don’t expect your clients to.

I’ve put respecting your time as the first point because it forms the foundation of good time management.

Like most things in life, it starts off with your mindset. When it comes to time management for freelancers, it’s no different.

Every day, please remind yourself of how valuable your time is.

The following tips will build on this point of respecting your time.

2: Don’t sell yourself short

Again, I learnt this the hard way too.

It took me a while to even realise I was doing this because I didn’t:

1- respect my time
2- understand the value I offered

When it comes to freelancing you’ll probably experience “feast” or “famine”.

The two mistakes I made was a recipe for “famine”.

A lack of respect for your time results in a lack of boundaries.

A lack of boundaries results in things like scope creep, the inability to say no, working extra hours etc.

Long story short, when you don’t respect your time, your projects will become less profitable, and you will end up selling yourself short.

Onto the second point.

Until you truly appreciate the value of what you bring to your client’s table, you’ll always sell yourself short.

Before you send out your next proposal, will you promise me that you’ll take into account the value you’ll bring not just the time you’ll spend?

Remember – respect the time you have taken to perfect your craft. You’ve developed your expertise. Your expertise is a factor that sets you apart from other freelancers so don’t sell yourself short.

The proof is in the pudding. So if you are a writer for example, and you have a track record of writing copy that converts, factor that into your rate.

And to all the newbie freelancers:

Don’t get comfortable working for free to build up your portfolio.

Likewise, don’t get comfortable working for less than you are worth just because you’re a newbie.

It’s ok to do a few jobs at a lower rate at the start but as soon as you can increase your rate to reflect your value.

3: Time isn’t money

You’ve heard this metaphor countless times before:

“Time is money”

No. Time is time. Money is money.

They are different resources. Granted, both scarce. But one you can get back, the other you can’t.

Imagine if you respected your time more than you respected your money.

Think about it for a moment…

Would you still be working for that crazy client that is giving you grey hairs?

Would you still be working on that project that you get no enjoyment out of that isn’t challenging you?

I didn’t think so!

A large part of respecting your time actually comes down to spending it by doing what you love.
You don’t go spending your hard earnt cash on things you don’t enjoy. (apart from bills and taxes etc haha).

So why would you spend your precious time on projects you don’t enjoy.

Of course, there will be elements of all projects that will be less enjoyable.

But in order to manage your time strategically:

Spend it by working on projects that remind you of why you became a freelancer in the first place!

Work with AMAZING clients who value what you have to offer.

Take on projects that challenge you and give you room to refine your craft.

Work on projects that will allow you to create an excellent case study to truly showcase your expertise and demonstrate the impact you have.

When you spend your time with the above points as your focus instead of just the money you’ll experience an acceleration in your growth as a freelancer.

4: manage your money

This point follows on from the previous point.

Of course, we can’t deny the exchange of time for money.

And of course, this ties into point #1.

In order to manage your time, you need to respect it.

Part of respecting your time is managing your money.

Taking control of your finances is truly liberating.

It’s not just about how much you make, it’s more about what you do with it.

When freelancing money can become a big stressor. Especially if your income is unstable. Like I said before it can be feast or famine.

Doing something as simple as opening an emergency savings account can make a huge difference.

You can open one for as little as ÂŁ1 and aim to save up at least 3 months worth of outgoings.

Once you have a growing emergency savings account, it allows you to start implementing tip #3.

It enables you to start being picky about the jobs you take on.

It empowers you to take some time to reflect on the value you can offer, set a fee that accurately reflects this and find clients that are enjoyable to work with.

This way, you’ll be the one managing what you do with your time.

If you don’t manage your money, it will have a large say in the jobs you take on.

5: Always improve your productivity

I studied Business Economics at university. I can safely say that the definition of the word productivity has been emblazoned in my memory as:

“The output per worker per period of time.”
Or in other words, it’s about doing more in less time.

If you are already quite productive with your time, it’s a good sign.

Why? Well because it’s a good indication that you…

You guessed it – it’s a good indication that you respect your time!

I’m a firm believer that the set of tools and techniques that help you to be more productive is unique to you.

It’s a case of trial and error to create your productivity toolkit.

If you find yourself forcing yourself to use a certain tool or technique that doesn’t come naturally to you, try something else.

The Pomodoro technique where you work in shorter bursts followed by a break might be great for some, not so much for others.

Some people might be super productive when they work from home. Others may find they are more productive from a co-working space.

6: Don’t spend all of your time on projects

Time management for freelancers shouldn’t just focus on projects.

(This is also something I learnt the hard way).

I would literally put my all into client projects and have little time for anything else.

I just wanted to really help my clients and add value.

But I quickly learnt that you can’t pour from an empty vessel.

You must set aside time for:

Also, make sure you make time to do non-freelance related tasks!

Freelancing is definitely a lifestyle.

In order for it to be a healthy lifestyle, it must allow time for:

Time management for freelancers: summary

I hope I have emphasised the importance of respecting your time as a freelancer.

Once you truly do, you’ll naturally start to do manage your time differently.

However, there’s no cookie-cutter rule on how to best manage your time.

Through trying different time management strategies and tools you’ll find what works for you.

Don’t forget to check out our other posts here at Resources for Freelancers!

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